Monday, October 5, 2009

Composition of ads

Advertisements follow a basic composition, this one is triangular. This method creates a balance and a general flow of where the eyes meet to cause interest and keep the viewer looking at the picture. Whether you look at her face, the opening of her blouse, violin or the cigars, your eyes will generally follow one or more triangles linking the image together. A detail That holds the piece together is the bow of the violin. The triangle that is most obvious to me starts with the brightest color, the wood of the violin. Then it leads up the bow to the cigars, and leading to her face, down her hairline and the line of the blouse, this also keeps interest in the chest area reminding the viewer of the sexual nature in the ad, finally the eyes meet back to the violin. The text below the image is unnessisary because the point has already been made. If you give a violin player a cigar, you will have sex and music.

Symmetry causes the eyes to wonder off the picture which is why the text is above and below where the two women connect. I glimpsed over their faces long enough to notice the bruses and wonder what it's about. The space between their heads makes a line connecting to the text below. I don't feel like the message is as obvious in this image. Violence is also not a good form of advertising unless it's displayed the right way. Hopefully I don't get beaten up by Tareyton smokers by saying so. Aside from images attempting to visually be appealing, shocking the viewer seems like another strategy. Silly humor, comedy, disturbing the viewer and even promoting a bias in advertisements seems to be assisting the only reason they exist. To sell their product and make money.


  1. Ashley,
    Interesting how they, the advertisers, seem to think they need to draw you in such a dangerous habit by using dangerous or silly ads. Is it "Norm" anymore or the "Exception" for this type of ad?
    Thanks. Pat K.

  2. Ashley every blog you write is just an absolute pleasure to read. I love your personality and they you freely write. Its so fricken refreshing. I appretiate the new perspective on how triangulation and other forms of geometric manipulation are actually used in the psycology of advertising. I guess I just never thought of it or realized it. Anyway, i love your posts.!!! Great stuff... :)
