Well I am relatively bad at remembering names and other things about people however I think it is also due to our diets and the conversations we share. If we live in a society where our hands are the tools and our minds are only the handle maybe we're over used and unappreciative of the time we do have. What happened to the days people would walk outside in the morning, breath deeply and go where ever they find fit.
Finding the information is a way to learn it better and exploring text, not just passing by to the main point. It's like looking at only fragments in a persons life. We get the overall meaning but the small and important details are gone. It's as important to explore new knowledge and not just have it handed over like caviar which people need to build up a taste for to even enjoy it. I think if people would take a break for themselves, maybe after that they'd absorb more and enjoy it. I think the article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" was one-sided because it didn't give as much consideration to the general health of people with these problems concentrating. However the author is correct in the way we read for example, I skimmed the article three times before reading into it more. I skimmed the paragraphs the author spoke about skimming in but I am lacking in sleep, haven't eaten right in a few days and couldn't get lost in the writing to begin with.
13 years ago
I also was skimming at first to get into the article. Thanks for illuminating that the health of people who have trouble concentrating was not explored in "Is Google Making us Stupid?"