Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is google making us stupid?

Well I am relatively bad at remembering names and other things about people however I think it is also due to our diets and the conversations we share. If we live in a society where our hands are the tools and our minds are only the handle maybe we're over used and unappreciative of the time we do have. What happened to the days people would walk outside in the morning, breath deeply and go where ever they find fit.

Finding the information is a way to learn it better and exploring text, not just passing by to the main point. It's like looking at only fragments in a persons life. We get the overall meaning but the small and important details are gone. It's as important to explore new knowledge and not just have it handed over like caviar which people need to build up a taste for to even enjoy it. I think if people would take a break for themselves, maybe after that they'd absorb more and enjoy it. I think the article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" was one-sided because it didn't give as much consideration to the general health of people with these problems concentrating. However the author is correct in the way we read for example, I skimmed the article three times before reading into it more. I skimmed the paragraphs the author spoke about skimming in but I am lacking in sleep, haven't eaten right in a few days and couldn't get lost in the writing to begin with.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 9

Well science has always been something difficult to sort from fact and theory but seeing things like cell division occurring and chromosomes separating by spindle fibers connected with centrioles to form new cells many times per second in the human body, it's no wonder why peoples interests are peeked. I'm fond of conversations based off of genetics and thoughts on the proteins that make us what we are. Its almost completely because of combinations of the pairs adenine with thymine(DNA) or uracil (RNA) and guanine with cytosine.
I'm not sure if this interest is right or left brained focus. The imagery is what makes ideas more tangible but the logic is incredible and bemusing.

Cell Division
DNA Replication
DNA Replication Song

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

(I don't know why it keeps double spacing everything but I'm just going to go with it at this point.)

I guess the best part of this parody is how diverse it is from Madonna's actual song "Like a Virgin."

Weird Al commonly takes a popular song and maintains the melody but changes the meaning, such as in his song "Amish Paradise" which is a parody of "Gangsta's Paradise."

The picture following it's of an Amish

"speed wagon" In a line of race cars. In order to understand the humor Someone would have to know that Amish shun electronics and anything high-tech. The idea of a horse drawn wagon competing against race cars isn't very realistic but that's what makes it funny,

Lastly is Robin Hood Men in Tights. A movie with mole moving, sex driven and completely silly humor to it. In the scene the men display how important it really is that all men do wear tights, and how masculine they really are.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I couldn't just pick one Evony advertisement. The progression of this online role playing games subtle ads is possibly my favorite to discuss. Since the first few advertisements no game has been more pronounced in saying "HERE'S BREASTS, JOIN OUR GAME!" Whether it's the desire to fit in, or join the game for the idea of soft-core porn headlining every page, this game has captured the attention of many young men everywhere. Very few women play Evony, probably due to the biases of the ads. My suggestion is tacking on pictures Fabio Lanzoni with a flowing unbuttoned dress shirt.
Aside from game advertisements, are the ads that tell people who they want to like and what others want to be. A likable person doesn't need brands, and consumer goods which only mask insecurity with a false sense of power and comfort. If individuals are a reflection of society then why don't the individuals force society to reflect off of them instead. When people build a bridge, it is the strength and unity of the group that builds it, but everyone in the group is their own person and does not belong to the group. They belong with the group.
Advertisements that tell people that they're more unique or will fit in because of a product are nothing but wrong.
If you are a parent or even just have a pet, this is an advertisement meant just to shock you. The idea of your pet having worms, and playing with them is like playing with a parasite. This advertisement is amusing and disturbing to me because of how happy the girl appears with a parasite in her hands. That's why it's targeted more for parents who also have pets. The connection of a kid to their pet is usually a very close and a loving connection. The idea of the pet being something that would like to eat organs is just troublesome.Because of the feeling it gave me when I first saw this I believe it is an effective advertisement.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Originally I wanted to do a survey about peoples opinions about the Internet and online communications however no one likes taking surveys! The advancement of these communications is leading to a new relationship with people and their computers. If the Internet was made for resources, knowledge and communication, where does an online relationship start? Aside from the many advertisements that hit you on various websites, the free raine of peoples biases and opinions, something new is arriving; online relationships. From personal experience heartbreak was more painful because the person I grew to adore and love, which was as I expected once we met in person and briefly lived together, only appeared less conflicted in text. Romance and families are changed now that communication is as instant as our 5000 calorie mcburgerburgyton breakfest with a cup of hot java.
Since the classic courtship and fairytale of what life should be with that certain someone, to now the fast pased clubbing, virtual flirting and displays of passion, the Internet is evolving how people see each other. People not getting the opportunity to cast shallow judgement is less possible and learning who the person is inside can be the actual task. People seem to feel more open in online chat however is it more easy to lie about who someone is. Relationships of the past seem more emotionally connected and Internet relationships seem to regenerate that passion without the necessity of physical touch.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Power of form

This image screams at me every time I see it, I can never fully get it out of my head. It's not sexual, it's not love either, it's connection. I rarely see something that I don't find bluntly creating sexual focus. Since I don't interpret it with that, it connects to me more emotionally. I'm reminded of the power of touching another being and how important it really is. The image has an essence of what beauty the human body possesses. Maybe people don't acknowledge it for what it is as much as media does for what it should be.
The image has a confidence that shows strength and weakness in the two characters and relates to every person in some way. In comparison to the people are the tall buildings clouding what could be a blue sky and all the beauty in nature. However this is not the case and the humanity I find so emotionally stimulating is being blocked with sky scrapers. The people in the picture have removed their cloths but the population is reluctant to remove it's wrappers and create something as beautiful or honoring as nature once did.
I see this and yet another person could interpret is saying the connection between the people is was makes the modern structures alive and if it weren't for the people seeking something functional and strong, the buildings would not have been there and the image would have spoken less to me because it's the strength and yet frailness of the people in reflection to the buildings that is what makes it so visually appealing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm not a violent person?

I like People, Peace and nature so what gets me addicted to a "shoot 'em up" game? Sure, most people know that who they're killing are generic simulations and not the actual people they're playing against. However it's only showing younger generations who are starting these games at younger ages that they need to kill as many people as possible before they're killed and when they are, there's no consquence. They can just respawn and kill some more. This simulation is adictive to me. The people are no longer other players, they're hit points.

I play Battlefield Two which recreates the player as a solider sent to defend or capture flags from the other team. This type of game is considered a F.P.S or first person shooter such as Perfect Dark, Quake Three and any of the Battlefield series. I find them to be liberating a primative nature that is part of being human. If simulation keeps people from actually creating the violence, it might be worth it. I definatly use it as a stress reliever as well as other recreational activities.

I've always been a fan of gaming. Before I started a path to become an art teacher, I originally planned to design video games at The Art Institute of Pheonix. Game design is a very co operative carrier, and reflective of the teams playing the games. In some sence a game is virtual art that stimulates the brain and allows people to be more of what they want. Interactive art is the next level of expression and brings depth to the flat visions of arts past masters.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Composition of ads

Advertisements follow a basic composition, this one is triangular. This method creates a balance and a general flow of where the eyes meet to cause interest and keep the viewer looking at the picture. Whether you look at her face, the opening of her blouse, violin or the cigars, your eyes will generally follow one or more triangles linking the image together. A detail That holds the piece together is the bow of the violin. The triangle that is most obvious to me starts with the brightest color, the wood of the violin. Then it leads up the bow to the cigars, and leading to her face, down her hairline and the line of the blouse, this also keeps interest in the chest area reminding the viewer of the sexual nature in the ad, finally the eyes meet back to the violin. The text below the image is unnessisary because the point has already been made. If you give a violin player a cigar, you will have sex and music.

Symmetry causes the eyes to wonder off the picture which is why the text is above and below where the two women connect. I glimpsed over their faces long enough to notice the bruses and wonder what it's about. The space between their heads makes a line connecting to the text below. I don't feel like the message is as obvious in this image. Violence is also not a good form of advertising unless it's displayed the right way. Hopefully I don't get beaten up by Tareyton smokers by saying so. Aside from images attempting to visually be appealing, shocking the viewer seems like another strategy. Silly humor, comedy, disturbing the viewer and even promoting a bias in advertisements seems to be assisting the only reason they exist. To sell their product and make money.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Individuals Together

Recently, I was talking about cultural views with an acquaintance and listened as he spoke about the german language as if it was an angry, hate filled language. A language is as much of a tool for communication, just as any object used for symbolism can be representative for a different cause no matter what angle it's portrayed. Judgemental words spread like the fondant on a six tiered cake and people still eat it! People are what make a culture and judging those people can delute the befit. To me the chair in this picture is made by the many layers of people bound together to make a society. It's up to people to make it good or not. Sensativity to the world around us is getting lost in a selfconciousness developed by our peers and continued by them. People seem to care more about what the colors of each layer are, rather than the realization that they're still the same components as every other layer in the chair.

Monday, September 21, 2009


This is the most recent form of idolization and objectivity that I've come acrossed. I wanted to highlight the idea that every culture, even those within other cultures struggle against a bias steriotype even if they're not much different from the ones who are forming the judgement. I'm posting this picture because though it's easy find beauty in everything, it's just as easy to find the unpalatable aspects. There's nothing wrong with celebrating the feminine traits of a male, or masculin traits of a female. However media has power-driven the bizzare hump fest that is modern advertisement. Now sex is a bartering tool. Those finding themselves not equating with the masses are left self-concious and confused by their rejection. If they simply buy some make up, strap on a wonderbra, and puke their lunch, they might be attractive once more. In every picture I see like this, I learn to respect the natural human body more.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hot celebrity gossip! Who cares about Msn's "Wonder Wall,"and our stars famous failures? Who's here to point out when the paparazzi messes up? Who's here to interupt their work? Is our culture really contempt in hearing who slept with whom, to make their lives feel alittle less miserable? If it's really needed to feel better about one's own self, do something to make it worth it and make it last. Celeb. gossip wont save anyone from self pitty. For that matter when was interest in other cultures so jaded? The only time I ever see other countries, lives, and cultures outside of the "American dream," is when violence occurres or that area suddenly becomes so repulsive Americans must fix it with a heavy dose of care (bullets,) affection (guerilla warfare) and love (the atom bomb.)...That is equivalent to some form of help? We can't talk you into being our way, so we''ll kill your people till you can't disagree with our overzealous accusations. I heard brief news about the crowded streets infront of a college in Teran, shouting for pollitical justice for their votes. Kabul's new and highly sexist laws, the protest of which lead to innocent women getting hit with rocks. Why is the good so overshadowed by the bad, what countries see ours, the way we see theirs?

Ashley here! I wanted to start off letting people know where my views are coming from. As an obese child in a small town with the most bizzare combination of half-fro and orange locks for hair, I wasn't the most socially accepted student. So? I accept myself and enjoy what I have now, and what I will later. I always try and think positive and still somehow manage to only find myself interested in what's wrong with society, why money even exists and even why women wear dresses and men wear tuxes (If dresses are so wonderful on women, why not on men? Why don't women wear suits more. Since when did it become important that cloths do more then protect?) I like to question everything, and form an answer to solve a problem, not fix a person. Generally these topics get me excited because I like to be creative and expressive.

Monday, August 31, 2009

1st post

This is Ashley and this is the first post of this blog! Yay, could it be any more redundant?